Private Personal Training | Small Group Training | Master’s of Clinical Social Work | Girls Gone Strong Level 1 | Youth Fitness Specialist | Certified Narrative Therapist

SHE/HER. Don’t let the dry sense of humor fool you—Betsy has worked in fitness ever since she was thrust into a leadership position at Warren Wilson College in 2013. She has her Masters in Social Work and is a Health at Every Size (HAES)™ and Trauma-Informed personal trainer. Her body acceptance journey started as a young athlete—soccer is and always will be her first love—when she was cut from the team for being “too big.” Now she helps her clients develop sustainable, accessible movement practices, undo the damage of diet culture, and heal their relationships with their bodies. 

Fun facts about Betsy: 

  • Betsy’s never worked in a big box gym, ever. But she has tried CrossFit. Spoiler: she didn’t like it.

  • She owns a cat named Uncle Steve and crafts elaborate Halloween costumes for her kids—by hand.

  • She has had many weird jobs including (but not limited to) wearing a CareBear costume in downtown Atlanta while handing out candy, secret shopper on GreyHound buses, bet taker at horse races, sample lady at Sam’s Club. 

  • She designed the patterned wall in her last studio after a pair of leggings she liked.


Private Personal Training | Small Group Training | Size-Inclusive Fitness Specialist | Intuitive Eating™ Counselor

SHE/HER. Sadie is obsessed with organization, structure, plans… and Aldi. She believes that establishing a movement practice should be practical, realistic, enjoyable, and free of shame, manipulation, or guilt. Her body acceptance journey started in high school (where else?) when she tried her first weight-loss diet. Back then, she viewed exercise as a tool for punishment; a means of making herself smaller. The book Intuitive Eating by (Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch) literally changed her life, and now she is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Health at Every Size (HAES)™ informed Certified Personal Trainer. Sadie’s training style is informed by her evolving understanding of the harmful effects of diet culture and its stigmatizing presence within the fitness industry. 

Fun Facts about Sadie:

  • Sadie used to be a high school English teacher.

  • Her two favorite movies are Wayne’s World and The Shawshank Redemption, and we think this explains a lot.

  • Cardio Kickboxing was her “gateway drug” to group fitness instruction.

  • She was a band geek, but only because she liked the people and the field trips. We don’t even know what instrument she used to play.


Private Personal Training | Small Group Training | Dance and Pre-Natal Fitness | Pilates

SHE/HER. Sam grew up a young athlete, playing basketball and softball, and was also a girl scout. She has always been active, as well as has always lived in a bigger body. After years of body shaming and toxic diet culture, she started her journey through Circus Art and Dance. Seeing what she was capable of, she quickly fell in love with movement and gained confidence in her body. From that point on, Sam decided to create a career in Wellness and help others find their own joyful movement. Today, she is a Certified Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor with an A.A.S. Degree in Health and Physical Science, and has been teaching movement since 2018.

Fun Facts about Sam:

  • Sam loves all things movement, and is an avid swimmer and hobbyist mermaid as well as a veil poi and fan artist. 

  • She is a home chef, and really loves making new and delicious foods for her and her partner to try. She’ll try anything once, except for mushrooms and olives. 

  • Playing video games is one of her top pass times, and her top three games are Skyrim, Bloodborne, and The Sims 4

  • Sam grew up on a homestead, and her dream is to have her own small farm where she can grow food, flowers, and watch her chickens play a xylophone.


Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor | Private Personal Training | Small Group Training

SHE/HER. Robin is a Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise instructor with an A.S Degree in Health and Fitness Science. Robin came to the fitness world in a circuitous route, going from being the uncoordinated kid who dreaded P.E class to someone who values movement deeply (after taking years to learn that exercise didn't need to be torture). She now is passionate about helping others find movement that feels enjoyable and empowering. She enjoys strength training, dance, Qigong, and more recently, cardio kickboxing.

Fun Facts About Robin:

She's always late to the party, and JUST started watching Great British Bake Off. She is now nursing an obsessing with baking, in particular baking bread. Before coming to the fitness world, Robin worked as a floral designer and then in animal rescue. She's played guitar since she was 12 and has dabbled in drums and flute. Her best friend Finnegan is orange, fluffy, has whiskers and 18 toes. 


Private Personal Training | Small Group Training | Strength and Conditioning Coach

SHE/THEY. Becca is a strength and conditioning coach devoted to helping people lead the healthy, affirming, and adventurous lives they deserve. Her approach is both evidence-based and holistic, combining insights from 10+ years as an outdoor athlete and field instructor, 10+ years as a strength sport athlete and coach, and her background in massage therapy to support clients with wide ranging interest. She also has specific experience working with clients who have hypermobility syndromes.


Doctor of Physical Therapy | Small Group Training | Certified Yoga Therapist

SHE/HER. Libby is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Certified Yoga Therapist with over 10 years of clinical experience. She specializes in the treatment people with hypermobility syndromes. Her clinical experience has revealed a huge need for a strength training program for this population designed with their unique needs in mind. As a person living with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, she is passionate about empowering those living with hypermobility syndromes with the guidance and resources they need to thrive in every area of life.


Certified Pilates Teacher | Private Clients | Small Group Training

SHE/HER. Stacey grew up an inactive kiddo concerned about her body, her weight, and what everyone else thought about those things. She was too self conscious to participate in sports or dance but always wanted to. It wasn't till her early 20s that she had the courage to start a movement practice.  She found pilates when she was working at the front desk of a fitness club nearly 20 years ago. She studied Classical Pilates in NYC in 2006/2007. After her training program she was hired to teach at an Equinox fitness club and also manage their pilates studio. In 2008 She started working as a teacher at a popular Pilates studio called re:AB. The owner (Brooke Siler) started a training program and Stacey helped facilitate the program alongside Brooke which deepened her understanding of the system that was created by Joseph Pilates.

After Stacey had her kiddos she decided to stick to private clients for a while so she could spend more time at home. 2016 brought a big move to Western North Carolina! Stacey had trouble figuring out where to work as she found that lots of pilates teachers were very rigid and judgmental. In time, she started teaching at different places around Asheville which felt safe for her to experiment with different teaching styles. She had more freedom to create the welcoming and non judgmental vibe in her classes where folks can learn to move more intuitively.

She's had ups/downs/struggles staying connected to consistent movement practices but knows that she feels better in her mind and body when she does! Outside of this Stacey engages in lots of improvisational comedy, parenting and eating delicious foods.